Gunung Djati Conference Series
<p><strong>Gunung Djati Conference Series</strong> is a society-owned scientific publisher, providing impact, recognition and value for the scientific community.</p> <p>We work closely with researchers, librarians and partners publishing to produce conference series.</p>UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandungen-USGunung Djati Conference Series2774-6585Konflik Masyarakat Adat pada Pembangunan Ibu Kota Negara dalam Perspektif Sosiologi Hukum
<p>Law is a rule that contains orders for the creation of safe, orderly conditions and there are sanctions for those who violate it. Law has a role in creating justice in the context of various problems. Law also functions as a means of enforcing justice when violations or social conflicts occur. However, conflicts that occurred in Kutai Kartanegara Regency and Penajam Paser Utara Regency, conflicts that occurred between indigenous peoples and the government as a result of the development of IKN. The purpose of this study is to analyze the conflicts that occurred in North Penajam Paser and Kutai Kartanegara as a result of the development of IKN which caused the eviction of local indigenous peoples that occurred in the balik tribe and the paser tribe, using qualitative research with a literature study approach with an analysis of Roscoe Pound's theory that sees law as a tool of social engineering. Analysis of the conflicts that occurred between the community and the government with the development of IKN in East Kalimantan shows that the law has not been able to fulfill the principles of social justice and inclusiveness as expressed in the theory of law as a tool of social engineering.</p>Dhine Putri AuliaNisa Fitri RamdaniYasmin AlfiyahChisa Belinda Harahap
Copyright (c) 2025 Dhine Putri Aulia, Nisa Fitri Ramdani, Yasmin Alfiyah, Chisa Belinda Harahap
2025-01-302025-01-3050112Analisis Kebijakan Zonasi: Upaya Pemerataan Pendidikan di Indonesia
<p>The zoning system in Indonesia's education aims to improve access and equity through a location-based approach. This policy seeks to eliminate the stigma between "favorite" and "non-favorite" schools while reducing social disparities in student admissions. This study employs a qualitative approach using secondary data analysis through literature review, including official documents and academic research. Findings indicate that the zoning system promotes equitable access to education, reduces elitism stigma, and encourages improved educational facilities in various regions. However, its implementation faces challenges such as inadequate facilities in non-favorite schools and resistance from the community. With strong legal support, transparency, and continuous evaluation, the zoning system can serve as a strategic tool for advancing social justice. The study recommends enhancing educational infrastructure, engaging the community, and conducting regular evaluations to ensure the long-term success of the zoning policy.</p>Fajar NurohmanSiti Fatimah GoroChisa Belinda Harahap
Copyright (c) 2025 Fajar Nurohman, Siti Fatimah Goro, Chisa Belinda Harahap
2025-01-302025-01-30501320Afirmasi Hukum Bagi Kelompok Disabilitas di Indonesia
<p>Discrimination is unequal treatment experienced by individuals or groups based on certain identities, including disability. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study to explore discrimination against people with disabilities in Indonesia and the role of affirmative policies. The results show that although there are laws that guarantee the rights of people with disabilities, such as UU No. 8 Tahun 2016, implementation is still weak and discrimination persists in various sectors, including education and employment. The case of Romi Syofpa Ismael illustrates the challenges that persons with disabilities face in access to equal opportunities. This research recommends the need for reforms in affirmative policies, increased public awareness, and synergy between government and civil society to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for people with disabilities.</p>Husam El Haq Al MaslulNana GinanjarSyarif HidayatSri AndiniChisa Belinda Harahap
Copyright (c) 2025 Husam El Haq Al Maslul, Nana Ginanjar, Syarif Hidayat, Sri Andini, Chisa Belinda Harahap
2025-01-302025-01-30502130Perspektif Budaya Hukum dan Pluralisme Hukum pada Kelompok Ahmadiyah di Indonesia
<p>Law is a reflection of the system of cultural values in society so there is a merger between law and culture known as legal culture. A country may use not only one legal system known as legal pluralism. According to Griffiths, there are two types of legal pluralism, namely strong legal pluralism and weak legal pluralism. In Indonesia, there are three legal systems, namely civil law, customary law, and Islamic law, all of which are mutually sustainable. The case that befalls the Ahmadiyah group is an example of how the application of these three legal systems in Indonesia on the one hand its existence is guaranteed by the constitution but on the other hand there are other laws that reject the existence of this Ahmadiyah group. This research aims to analyze the existence of Ahmadiyah group in Indonesia from the aspect of legal culture and legal pluralism. This research uses qualitative methods and data collection using literature study techniques by reviewing literature sources related to the research. The finding of this research is the discrimination against the Ahmadiyah group because they are considered heretical. Therefore, it is important to realize legal pluralism well in Indonesia based on three applicable legal systems and efforts are needed to strengthen an inclusive and tolerant legal culture through human rights education, interfaith dialogue, and strict legal protection.</p>Prabawati OktavianaVegia AndrianaChisa Belinda Harahap
Copyright (c) 2025 Prabawati Oktaviana, Vegia Andriana, Chisa Belinda Harahap
2025-01-302025-01-30503140Implementasi Pemikiran Roscoe Pound dalam Penyelesaian Konflik Litigasi dan Non Litigasi di Indonesia
<p>This research examines the application of Roscoe Pound's theory in litigation and non-litigation conflict resolution in Indonesia, with a focus on the case study of the “Geprek Bensu” trademark dispute and the Benuaq tribe's customary land conflict. The background of this research is based on the complexity of legal conflict resolution in Indonesia which involves social and humanitarian aspects. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of litigation and non-litigation approaches based on Roscoe Pound's thoughts on law as a tool of social engineering. This research uses a normative juridical method with a case study approach, analyzing two different cases, namely a trademark dispute resolved by litigation and a customary land conflict using a non-litigation approach. The results show that litigation settlements, such as in the “Geprek Bensu” case, tend to produce firm decisions but can worsen relations between parties. Meanwhile, the non-litigation approach in the Benuaq Tribe is more effective in maintaining social harmony and cultural values. In conclusion, Pound's theory on the balance of interests is still relevant in the context of conflict resolution in Indonesia, with the non-litigation approach being more suitable for cases involving socio-cultural aspects.</p>Dewi RahmawatiGhaida Nazhifah IskandarYunika IsnaeniChisa Belinda Harahap
Copyright (c) 2025 Dewi Rahmawati, Ghaida Nazhifah Iskandar, Yunika Isnaeni, Chisa Belinda Harahap
2025-01-302025-01-30504151Hukum dan Ketertiban Lalu Lintas: Perspektif Sosiologi Hukum pada Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009
<p>This study aims to analyze the implementation of Law No. 22/2009 on Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ Law) in Bandung City, particularly related to the low public awareness in complying with traffic rules and the effectiveness of law enforcement. The background of the problem raised is the low public compliance with traffic rules, which triggers traffic violations and accidents. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method to explore data from various relevant sources, including books, journals, and laws and regulations. The collected data were analyzed through three stages, namely organizing, synthesizing, and identifying key issues related to the implementation of the LLAJ Law. The research findings show that although the LLAJ Law has a clear objective to create traffic order, its implementation in Bandung City is constrained by low public legal awareness and unreliable law enforcement. Therefore, social control in traffic needs to be strengthened through increased surveillance, public education, and more consistent law enforcement. This study suggests the need for a strategic approach involving the use of technology, increasing the number of officers, and social campaigns based on the cultural context of the community to create an orderly and safe traffic culture.</p>Muhamad Guntur MuntahaFadhil Azhar PermanaRizki FirmansyahChisa Belinda Harahap
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhamad Guntur Muntaha, Fadhil Azhar Permana, Rizki Firmansyah, Chisa Belinda Harahap
2025-01-302025-01-30505264Kegagalan Supremasi Hukum dan Hukum sebagai Rekayasa Sosial dalam Tragedi Kanjuruhan
<p>The Kanjuruhan tragedy, one of the most tragic incidents in Indonesia's football history, raises significant questions about the rule of law and justice in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze how the principle of the rule of law was applied in the handling of this incident through the perspective of law as a tool for social engineering. Using a qualitative descriptive method with literature studies, the study examines systemic gaps in law enforcement and offers solutions to strengthen justice and public trust in Indonesia's legal system. Findings indicate that the excessive use of force by security forces highlights the failure of law enforcement to protect human rights, exacerbating public distrust. The study concludes that the implementation of a responsive, transparent, and accountable legal approach is crucial to ensuring justice for victims and their families and to fostering societal change for a more humane approach to crowd control. Recommendations include legal reform and educational measures to promote a better legal culture and to prevent future tragedies.</p>Lucky Syah PutraNina KhoirunnisaSiti MuthmainnahSunanulhudaChisa Belinda Harahap
Copyright (c) 2025 Lucky Syah Putra, Nina Khoirunnisa, Siti Muthmainnah, Sunanulhuda, Chisa Belinda Harahap
2025-01-302025-01-30506572Keamanan Manusia Dalam Program Magang Internasional: Studi Kasus Fereinjob Jerman pada Oktober-Desember 2023
<p>Program magang internasional melalui studikasus fereinjob di jerman pada tahun 2023 oktober-desember. Merupakan program magang yang di ikuti ribuan mahasiswa indonesian. Mahasiswa di janjikan kesempatan magang di jerman, tetapi justru tidak sesuai dengan program tersebut. Mahasiswa dinilai bekerja dengan non-prosedural yang pada akhirnya membuat mahasiswa merasa teresploitasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan pentingnya peran pemerintah dan Universitas terkait dalam menyediakan lingkungan kerja yang aman dan mendukung, serta dengan meningkatkan perlindungan terhadap mahasiswa. Melalui metode penelitian kualitatif degan adanya analisis deskriptif Penelitian ini meengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi oleh peserta magang, seperti ketidak sesuaian kondisi kerja dan kurangnya dukungan institusi penyelenggara.</p>Nasyiha Al Syaqina A.SPutri Juwita SeptianiRezza RogidaVia Ayu Lestari
Copyright (c) 2025 Nasyiha Al Syaqina A.S, Putri Juwita Septiani, Rezza Rogida, Via Ayu Lestari
2025-01-302025-01-30507382Peran Bantuan Kemanusiaan Indonesia dalam Meningkatkan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar Masyarakat di Palestina
<p><em>The Israeli attacks on Palestine have had a detrimental impact on the survival of Palestinian communities. One of the sufferings caused by the conflict is a humanitarian crisis experienced by the Palestinian people. Indonesia is a country that contributes to providing humanitarian aid in this conflict. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effectiveness of the humanitarian aid provided by Indonesia to Palestine. This research method utilizes a qualitative descriptive approach. Data are collected secondarily through extensive literature studies and document analysis. The results of this study show that Indonesia's assistance in meeting basic needs in Gaza, Palestine, has had a significant positive impact on sustaining life there. The impact of food aid is crucial for Palestinians who face difficulties accessing food due to blockade and conflict. Such assistance can help reduce hunger and malnutrition among the Gaza population, especially among vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.</em></p>Amira PutrianiCaca ApriliyanoDendi SetiawanKulsum Khotimah
Copyright (c) 2025 Amira Putriani, Caca Apriliyano, Dendi Setiawan, Kulsum Khotimah
2025-01-302025-01-305098108Krisis Kemanusiaan Etnis Rohingnya: Partisipasi Warga Dunia dan Peran Pemerintah Indonesia
<p><em>This research attempts to resolve the Rohingya conflict in three stages. The first since the Myanmar government discriminated against its people. Second after the Rohingya people tried to seek protection by fleeing to other countries. Third, when the Rohingya entered Indonesia and saw how the Indonesian government responded in efforts to mediate with Myanmar. The aim is to specifically look at the Indonesian government’s strategy by using cosmopolitan theory in viewing Indonesia’s existence in the international arena. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study research design that utilizes both physical and non-physical information. This research uses cosmopolitan theory in looking at the phenomena that occur. The ethnic conflict in Myanmar is a historical conflict, which has never been resolved and has entered the humanitarian crisis stage. The humanitarian crisis experienced by the Rohingya ethnic group in Myanmar, which was triggered by systematic and prolonged discrimination, has led to a mass exodus to neighboring countries with dire conditions. Because of its application to other countries, all countries or international organizations are trying to find a way out of this problem.</em></p>Arianti KusnadiChansa AnantaIghna Karimah NurnajahMuhamad Fadillah Akbar
Copyright (c) 2025 Arianti Kusnadi, Chansa Ananta, Ighna Karimah Nurnajah, Muhamad Fadillah Akbar
2025-01-302025-01-30508397Pengaruh Doktrin Konstruktivisme Budaya Bangsa Belanda Sebagai Negara Kolonialisme Terhadap Tipologi Bangsa Indonesia Sebagai Negara Post-Kolonialisme
<p><em>This research explores the significant impact and complex implications of Dutch colonial cultural constructivism on post-colonial Indonesia. Through a combined approach of historical analysis, literature review, and empirical case studies, the study unveils how the cultural constructivism of the colonial powers, such as the social classification of "native" and "non-native," education systems, and other cultural typologies, have doctrinally shaped the structures of social, political, and cultural identity that are still palpable and entrenched in the contemporary Indonesian societal constructs. These concrete findings underscore the crucial importance of a deeper understanding of colonial heritage in formulating effective policies and constructivism to address contemporary challenges, including social inequality, preservation of national identity, and the establishment of inclusive interethnic relationships. Utilizing qualitative methods, this research inherently acknowledges that reinforcing self-identity and solidifying identity is a necessity for any nation, while also providing valuable insights for policymakers, academics, and the general public on how colonial history continues to shape incidental social dynamics and determine political behavior patterns in Indonesia. This should ideally be done with the aim of paving the way for a more inclusive, flexible, and fair approach to national development in anticipation of Indonesia's golden future.</em></p>Muhammad Diaz AftariansyahSilma HanifaSaepul Aepudin
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Diaz Aftariansyah, Silma Hanifa, Saepul Aepudin
2025-01-302025-01-3050109123Implementasi Penanaman Mangrove di Indonesia sebagai Strategi Mitigasi Krisis Iklim dalam KTT G20
<p>KTT G20 merupakan sebuah serangkai acara yang melibatkan pemimpin negara-negara dengan tujuan menyelesaikan permasalahan dan tantangan global saat ini. Tantangan global seperti emisi karbon merupakan permasalahan yang dirasakan oleh dunia akibat pemanasan iklim. Mangrove adalah tanaman yang dapat menghisap karbondioksida secara dasyat dan dianggap peluang untuk mengatasi emisi karbon di dunia. Hutan Indonesia merupakan hutan yang sentral bagi dunia. Negara Indonesia yang memiliki lahan mangrove terbesar di dunia ikut andil dalam menanam hutan mangrove untuk mengatasi emisi karbon di dunia. Dalam KTT G20 Indonesia berkomitmen penanaman mangrove untuk direalisasikan secara masif karena Indonesia memiliki peran yang penting bagi dunia.</p>Rizky SetiaShinggo Al GhazaliSulthan AzizWanda Shakira KhoerunnisaYasmin Fathia Chaerunisa
Copyright (c) 2025 Rizky Setia, Shinggo Al Ghazali, Sulthan Aziz, Wanda Shakira Khoerunnisa, Yasmin Fathia Chaerunisa
2025-01-302025-01-3050124134Marketing Politik Partai Nasdem dalam Menggapai Kemenangan Pasangan Calon Farhan-Erwin pada Pemilihan Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Bandung Tahun 2024
<p>Laporan penelitian ini mengkaji strategi pemasaran politik yang diterapkan oleh tim pemenangan pasangan calon Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Bandung nomor urut 3, Farhan-Erwin, pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kota Bandung 2024. Observasi bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas strategi pemasaran politik, termasuk segmentasi pemilih, promosi, dan penggunaan media sosial dalam meraih dukungan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara langsung dengan Ketua Badan Pemenangan Pemilu (Bappilu) Partai NasDem Kota Bandung, Rizky Mediantoro, serta studi kepustakaan. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa pasangan Farhan-Erwin berhasil mengoptimalkan kombinasi pendekatan tradisional dan digital dalam kampanye mereka, dengan fokus pada pemilih milenial dan Gen Z. Promosi melalui media sosial dan kolaborasi dengan influencer menjadi kunci menjangkau pemilih muda, sementara pendekatan tatap muka memperkuat hubungan dengan masyarakat. Kesimpulannya, strategi pemasaran yang inovatif dan adaptif menjadi faktor utama keberhasilan pasangan Farhan-Erwin dalam meraih kemenangan di Pilkada 2024</p>Nabila TrieNadiya HasanahRaysha AkmalRazinah SalehShyldi Nur Aulia
Copyright (c) 2025 Nabila Trie, Nadiya Hasanah, Raysha Akmal, Razinah Saleh, Shyldi Nur Aulia
2025-01-302025-01-3050135147Marketing Politik Calon Legislatif Muda Partai PKS: Perspektif Behavioral Economics dan Psikologi Pemilih
<p>Objek observasi dalam penelitian ini adalah strategi marketing politik yang diterapkan oleh Hana Sausan Jupriyanto, calon legislatif muda Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) dalam Pemilu 2024 di Daerah Pemilihan Subang, Majalengka, dan Sumedang (Dapil SMS). Tujuan observasi ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana strategi kampanye Hana Sausan dalam meraih dukungan pemilih melalui pendekatan media sosial dan metode tradisional berbasis kebutuhan praktis. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengaruh psikologi pemilih dan faktor sosial dalam keberhasilan kampanye. Metode observasi yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan pengamatan langsung terhadap kegiatan kampanye serta media sosial Hana Sausan. Penelitian ini menganalisis elemen-elemen bauran marketing politik (produk, harga, promosi, dan tempat) serta memanfaatkan teori <em>Behavioral Economics</em> dan Psikologi Pemilih untuk memahami dinamika pengambilan keputusan pemilih. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Hana Sausan mampu menggabungkan inovasi digital melalui media sosial dengan pendekatan tradisional yang bersifat emosional dan personal. Segmentasi yang fleksibel, terutama dengan menargetkan kelompok ibu-ibu sebagai pengambil keputusan dalam keluarga, menjadi kunci keberhasilan strategi kampanye Hana. Pendekatan ini efektif dalam membangun kedekatan emosional dengan pemilih serta menciptakan citra positif sebagai kandidat muda progresif yang memahami kebutuhan masyarakat.</p>Rubby Ananda NurmanNajwa HumairoRaden Galuh Rakean MungaranTengku Farrel RiyadahZam-Zam Muhammad Taufik
Copyright (c) 2025 Rubby Ananda Nurman, Najwa Humairo, Raden Galuh Rakean Mungaran, Tengku Farrel Riyadah, Zam-Zam Muhammad Taufik
2025-01-302025-01-3050165175Marketing Politik Partai Persatuan Pembangunan Pada Pemilihan Umum 2024
<p>Penelitian ini mengkaji strategis pemasaran politik yang diterapkan oleh Partia Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) dalam menghadapi Pemilihan Umum 2024. Sebagai salah satu partai politik Islam tertua di Indonesia, PPP menghadapi berbagai tantangan untuk tetap relevan di tengah dinamika politik yang terus berubah. Data observasi diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara bersama Bapak Andri Sumantri, sebagai kepala staf di Dewan Pengurus Wilayah (DPW) PPP Jawa Barat. Metode observasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, untuk menganalisis elemen-elemen bauran pemasaran politik yang meliputi produk, harga, promosi, dan tempat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PPP berusaha untuk mengajak kembali pemilih lama, menjangkau pemilih baru, dan mempertahankan loyalitas pemilih yang ada melalui berbagai strategi kampanye yang inovatif, termasuk pemanfaatan media sosial. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi bagi PPP untuk meningkatkan efektivitas strategi pemasaran politik dalam konteks pemilu yang semakin kompetitif.</p>Giar ArgianaHaekal Alfath MarfarizaHilda PatmalaMikeu NurmalaMuhammad FahrizalNadiya Rahma Tazkiya
Copyright (c) 2025 Giar Argiana, Haekal Alfath Marfariza, Hilda Patmala, Mikeu Nurmala, Muhammad Fahrizal, Nadiya Rahma Tazkiya
2025-01-302025-01-3050148168Marketing Politik Cepi Firmansyah Muttaqin dari Partai Solidaritas Indonesia pada Pemilu Legislatif DPRD Kabupaten Bandung
<p>Penelitian ini menganalisis startegi marketing politik Cepi Firmasnah Muttaqin dari Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) pada Pemilihan Legislatif 2024 di Dapil 6 Kabupaten Bandung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengamati strategi marketing politik yang digunakan oleh Cepi dan menemukan faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi pada kegagalannya memperoleh kursi di DPRD. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara yang melibatkan kandidatnya langsung dan studi kepustakaan yang mendalam. Hasil penelitian menununjukan bahwa Cepi sebagai pengirim pesan politik berfokus pada isu pendidikan, kesehatan, dan ekonomi. Pesan politik disampaikan melalui pertemuan tatap muka serta media tidak langsung, seperti media elektronik dan cetak. Target penerima pesan meliputi anak muda (milenial dan zilenial), ibu-ibu PKK, serta kelompok keagamaan dan ormas. Namun, strategi ini belum efektif, terbukti dari perolehan suara Cepi yang hanya mencapai 1.172 suara atau 0,32% dari total suara di dapilnya.</p>Nia KurniawatiRifa Rohimah
Copyright (c) 2025 Nia Kurniawati, Rifa Rohimah
2025-01-302025-01-3050176189Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Purwakarta Pada Pilkada 2024 dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kualitas Pemilu
<p>The Regional Head Election (Pilkada) serves as one of the main pillars of democracy in Indonesia, providing a mechanism for citizens to choose their leaders and determine the direction of development policies. Political participation plays a crucial role in shaping the quality of Pilkada, particularly in fostering political legitimacy, transparency, and accountability. This study focuses on analyzing the level of political participation in Purwakarta Regency during the 2024 Pilkada, aiming to identify influencing factors and offer practical recommendations to enhance future participation. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method, utilizing data sourced from official KPU documentation and interviews with key informants. The findings reveal a participation rate of 74%, with significant variations across districts. Factors influencing participation include education level, access to information, trust in candidates, and geographical barriers. Additionally, political apathy and money politics remain challenges that need to be addressed. The study recommends several strategic actions, such as increasing the intensity of electoral socialization, strengthening political education, and providing special services for groups with limited access to polling stations. It also highlights the importance of improving candidate quality to build public trust. Future research is suggested to focus on apathetic groups, the effectiveness of socialization strategies, and the engagement of first-time voters to strengthen the foundation of local democracy. Thus, it is hoped that political participation in Purwakarta Regency can be further maximized, ensuring a more representative and high-quality Pilkada</p>Syifa Maulia SalmaJaliludin Muslim
Copyright (c) 2025 Syifa Maulia Salma, Jaliludin Muslim
2025-01-302025-01-3050190198Menakar Kualitas Demokrasi dalam Pelaksanaan Pilkada 2024 di Kecamatan Cibitung Kabupaten Bekasi
<p>A quality democracy is reflected in the implementation of regional head elections (Pilkada) that are transparent, participatory, and accountable. This study aims to examine the quality of democracy in the implementation of the 2024 regional elections in Cibitung Sub-district, Bekasi Regency, with a focus on the level of community participation, the impact of money politics, and the transparency and accountability of organisers. Using a qualitative method with in-depth interviews, this research involved six informants who were purposively selected. The results show that voter participation is still constrained by administrative issues and population mobility, while the practice of money politics remains a major challenge that undermines the integrity of democracy. On the other hand, the organisation of the elections was considered quite transparent, despite concerns about potential fraud. Social media is the main source of political information, but it has not been matched by adequate political literacy. In conclusion, the quality of democracy in Cibitung Sub-district requires improvement through strengthening supervision, intensive political education, and reform of the electoral administration system to support more inclusive participation</p>Shafaa Qathrunnada GunawanJaliludin Muslim
Copyright (c) 2025 Shafaa Qathrunnada Gunawan, Jaliludin Muslim
2025-01-302025-01-3050199206Analisis Klasterisasi Dinamika Sosial Ekonomi 2022
<p>Penelitian ini berjudul "Analisis Klasterisasi dengan Menyelami Dinamika Sosial Ekonomi 2022" bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan mengelompokkan daerah berdasarkan karakteristik sosial ekonomi yang berbeda di Indonesia pada tahun 2022. Metode klasterisasi, khususnya K-Means, digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kelompok-kelompok provinsi yang memiliki kesamaan di dalamnya Berbagai indikator sosial ekonomi, seperti pendapatan, pengeluaran rumah tangga, dan akses terhadap layanan dasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya variasi yang signifikan dalam dinamika sosial ekonomi antar provinsi, dengan beberapa provinsi menunjukkan kinerja yang lebih baik dalam aspek tertentu dibandingkan yang lainnya. Analisis ini juga mengungkapkan hubungan antara indikator-indikator tersebut, memberikan wawasan tentang interaksi antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dasar bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk merumuskan strategi yang lebih tepat sasaran dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan mengatasi ketimpangan sosial ekonomi di berbagai daerah.</p>Al FajriMuhammad Arkhan FathudinRama Abdulmatiin Zein
Copyright (c) 2025 Al Fajri Al Fajri, Muhammad Arkhan Fathudin, Rama Abdulmatiin Zein
2025-01-302025-01-3050207216Analisis Sentimen Pencalonan Gibran Rakabuming Raka pada Pilpres 2024
<p>Pencalonan Gibran Rakabuming Raka, putra sulung Presiden Joko Widodo, dalam Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2024 telah menjadi isu hangat yang memicu beragam reaksi publik. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sentimen publik terkait pencalonan Gibran melalui data yang diambil dari berbagai platform media sosial dan artikel berita. Metode analisis sentimen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mencakup teknik berbasis pemrosesan bahasa alami (Natural Language Processing) dengan pendekatan machine learning untuk mengklasifikasikan opini sebagai positif, negatif, atau netral. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sentimen positif lebih dominan di kalangan generasi muda yang berharap Gibran membawa perubahan dalam kepemimpinan Indonesia. Di sisi lain, sentimen negatif banyak datang dari kritik terkait isu dinasti politik dan keterbatasan pengalaman Gibran dalam politik nasional. Selain itu, sejumlah opini netral menilai bahwa meskipun Gibran memiliki potensi, pencalonannya masih membutuhkan bukti prestasi lebih lanjut di tingkat nasional. Temuan ini memberikan gambaran penting mengenai bagaimana persepsi publik terhadap Gibran dapat mempengaruhi jalannya Pilpres 2024. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan lebih dalam mengenai dinamika opini publik dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pemilihan calon presiden di Indonesia</p>Isha MarselaRisca ApriyaniFadllan Naufal Rahman
Copyright (c) 2025 Isha Marsela, Risca Apriyani, Fadllan Naufal Rahman
2025-01-302025-01-3050217225Analisis Sentimen Publik Mengenai Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sentimen publik terkait Kebijakan Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) di Indonesia melalui platform media sosial. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan peningkatan penggunaan media sosial, masyarakat kini memiliki ruang untuk menyampaikan pendapat dan perasaan mereka mengenai kebijakan pemerintah. Data untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari Twitter dengan menggunakan metode crawling, memanfaatkan kata kunci yang berkaitan dengan BLT. Proses ini menghasilkan 997 tweet yang relevan. Tahapan analisis mencakup preprocessing, yang meliputi pembersihan data, tokenisasi, penghilangan kata tidak bermakna (stopword removal), dan stemming untuk memperoleh data teks yang terstruktur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari total 948 tweet yang berhasil dianalisis, terdapat 444 tweet dengan sentimen positif, 403 tweet netral, dan 101 tweet negatif. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan yang berharga mengenai persepsi masyarakat terhadap kebijakan BLT serta implikasinya bagi pengambilan keputusan pemerintah di masa mendatang.</p>Ahalla Nadine AdrianaMuhamad FahriansyahRerissa Rerissa
Copyright (c) 2025 Ahalla Nadine Adriana, Muhamad Fahriansyah, Rerissa Rerissa
2025-01-302025-01-3050226233Pengklasifikasian Wilayah Berdasarkan Data Tingkat Stunting Di Kota Bandung
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi wilayah dengan prevalensi stunting balita tertinggi di Kota Bandung menggunakan algoritma Decision Tree. Stunting merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat serius yang berdampak pada pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan kognitif anak, serta memengaruhi kualitas hidup generasi mendatang. Data penelitian diambil dari laporan Katalog Satu Data tahun 2023, yang mencakup prevalensi stunting di tingkat kelurahan. Metode Decision Tree digunakan untuk menganalisis pola distribusi stunting dan mengidentifikasi faktor risiko utama, seperti jumlah balita, persentase balita dengan tinggi badan pendek, dan kondisi sosial-ekonomi wilayah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Bandung Kulon memiliki prevalensi stunting tertinggi, dengan faktor utama berupa persentase balita stunting yang sangat tinggi. Model Decision Tree yang digunakan memiliki akurasi sebesar 100%, menunjukkan kemampuan prediksi yang kuat untuk mengklasifikasikan wilayah berisiko. Berdasarkan hasil ini, direkomendasikan penguatan intervensi kesehatan masyarakat, seperti peningkatan kapasitas Posyandu, perbaikan akses sanitasi dan air bersih, serta pemberdayaan ekonomi keluarga. Temuan ini memberikan dasar yang kuat bagi pemerintah Kota Bandung untuk merancang kebijakan berbasis data guna menurunkan angka stunting secara efektif dan berkelanjutan.</p>Diny Aryani PutriReska Pratama PutriSyabila Maharani
Copyright (c) 2025 Diny Aryani Putri, Reska Pratama Putri, Syabila Maharani
2025-01-302025-01-3050234242Upaya Mengatasi Kemacetan di Jawa Barat Melalui Pengelompokkan Kendaraan Pribadi
<p>Pesatnya pertumbuhan kendaraan pribadi di Jawa Barat telah menjadi faktor utama yang memicu kemacetan, terutama di wilayah perkotaan. Penelitian ini menganalisis dampak pertumbuhan kendaraan pribadi terhadap kemacetan menggunakan metode klasterisasi K-Means untuk mengelompokkan wilayah berdasarkan karakteristik pertumbuhan kendaraan. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi lima klaster wilayah dengan tingkat pertumbuhan kendaraan yang bervariasi, di mana daerah perkotaan seperti Bogor, Bekasi, dan Bandung memiliki tingkat aktivitas kendaraan paling tinggi, sedangkan wilayah pedesaan seperti Tasikmalaya dan Ciamis memiliki tingkat aktivitas yang lebih rendah. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan penerapan kebijakan berbasis data untuk manajemen lalu lintas, pengembangan transportasi umum, serta tindakan preventif di kawasan semi-perkotaan. Pendekatan ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi tingkat kemacetan dan mendukung mobilitas yang lebih efektif serta berkelanjutan di Jawa Barat.</p>Andika Raka YudistiraHana Amanda YasminMustafa Kemal Pasya
Copyright (c) 2025 Andika Raka Yudistira, Hana Amanda Yasmin, Mustafa Kemal Pasya
2025-01-302025-01-3050243249Monitoring Pilkada 2024 di Kecamatan Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan: Dinamika Lokal dan Hasil Akhir
<p>This study focuses on monitoring the 2024 regional elections (Pilkada) in Setiabudi District, South Jakarta, emphasizing local dynamics at TPS 19 and its implications for the democratic process. This study aims to examine the socio-political challenges, technical aspects, and election results in this urban district with diverse demographic composition. Using a qualitative approach and case study method, data were collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and document analysis, with thematic analysis applied to identify key findings. The results highlight significant issues, such as voter apathy, logistical challenges, and the role of independent oversight in improving election accountability. The study concludes that inclusive policies, increased transparency, and targeted socialization strategies are essential to increasing voter participation and trust. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and election organizers in optimizing election management and public engagement in urban environments. By implementing the recommendations from this study, it is hoped that the quality of democracy in Indonesia can be improved through increased voter participation, transparency, and more effective election management.</p>Anggita Ayu SafitriAsma Adila NugrahaTirta Nur Fadillah
Copyright (c) 2025 Anggita Ayu Safitri, Asma Adila Nugraha, Tirta Nur Fadillah
2025-01-302025-01-3050250258Pemilu Di Kecamatan Pameungpeuk Kabupaten Bandung
<p><em>The election in Pameungpeuk Subdistrict, Bandung Regency, reflects significant local political dynamics despite its relatively small number of polling stations (TPS) and voter population compared to other subdistricts. This study employs a qualitative approach with descriptive data analysis to examine the election process, voter political preferences, and the challenges faced during the election. The findings show that public enthusiasm was relatively high, although logistical challenges such as road access and weather affected the distribution of election materials. Voter preferences in Pameungpeuk were influenced by local needs, promises of infrastructure development, as well as emotional and personal connections with the candidates. Support from election committees and supervisors ensured the smooth running of the voting process, despite a shortage of personnel in some polling stations. The implications of the election results highlight the critical role of rural areas like Pameungpeuk in determining the outcomes of elections at the regency level.</em></p>Adit Abil FaturohmanJundi Fatah R.Septino Ilham
Copyright (c) 2025 Adit Abil Faturohman, Jundi Fatah R., Septino Ilham
2025-01-302025-01-3050259268Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Pilkada 2024 Desa Sukamantri Kecamatan Karangtengah Kabupaten Cianjur: Dinamika dan Hasil Akhir
<p><em>Pilkada is a democratic event to elect regional leaders who are competent and responsive to the needs of the community. This study aims to monitor the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada at TPS 2 Sukamantri Village, Karangtengah Subdistrict, Cianjur Regency, which includes all stages of the election, starting from the debate of candidate pairs (paslon), campaign, quiet period, voting, vote counting, to the recapitulation of vote results. The method used is a field study with a qualitative descriptive approach through direct observation at each stage of the election. The results showed that the three candidate pairs carried various visions, such as infrastructure development, education, and community economic development. The voter participation rate reached 74%, with 95.13% of valid votes. Despite some technical obstacles, such as a lack of understanding of the correct voting procedures, the electoral process in Karangtengah Sub-district, specifically at polling station 2 in Sukamantri Village, went smoothly and reflected the principles of healthy local democracy. This research also highlights the importance of the election committee's active role in maintaining a smooth process, as well as the need for better political education to increase public awareness and participation. Overall, high public participation and transparency of the electoral process are important factors that need to be improved to support the quality of democracy in the future.</em></p>Bunga Syauzan ZakhrevaHaura Aimee AzariaSany Nurmala
Copyright (c) 2025 Bunga Syauzan Zakhreva, Haura Aimee Azaria, Sany Nurmala