Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Sentiment Analysis on Movie Comments

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Dian Sa'adillah Maylawati
Melani Nur Mudyawati
Muhammad Humam Wahisyam
Riki Ahmad Maulana


The film industry is growing rapidly nowadays, various genres and storylines are nicely packaged to convey messages and entertain audiences. Sentiment analysis technology can be used for the advancement of the film industry as well as film recommendations that need to be presented next. This study aims to compare several algorithms used for sentiment analysis of movie reviews or comments. The algorithms used in this study are K-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC), and Logistic Regression. The experimental results using 25,000 film comment datasets show that Logistic Regression has the highest accuracy rate with an accuracy of 89%, compared to Naïve Bayes' accuracy of 86%, while k-NN is 65.22%.


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