The Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility for the Rate of Economic Growth During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Perspective of Hadith: Study of Syarah Hadith Using the Tahlili Method
CSR, Hadith, ImplicationsAbstract
This study aims to discuss the implications of corporate social responsibility on the rate of economic growth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia from the perspective of hadith. The research method used is a qualitative type that interprets the matan (hadith editor) using the tahlili method (analysis). The results and discussion of the research include general views of corporate social responsibility, strategies for implementing corporate social responsibility and explanations of hadith about corporate social responsibility. This study concludes that the maximum and competent implementation of corporate social responsibility is a solution that will increase the dividend of trust between business actors so as to increase profits and benefits in a company which has implications for the rate of economic growth in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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