Toleransi Beragama: Analisis Bibliometrik pada Database Dimensions
Bibliometrics, Religion, ToleranceAbstract
Indonesia is known as the country with the greatest number of Muslims in the world. Nearly 231 million Indonesians are mostly Muslims. Therefore, the Indonesian state is often used as a reflection for Muslims around the world, especially the values of tolerance towards fellow religious people. However, in the context of community life of Muslims in Indonesia itself, there are actually still many pem. discussion and problems regarding dress trends. The goal of this study is to use bibliometric analysis techniques to analyze several published articles with keywords of current religious tolerance. With quantitative methods and bibliometric analysis, the author tries to display several tables containing several different categories. In the results and discussion, four categories were found, namely: (1) the number of publications regarding current Religious tolerance; (2) the journals that most often publish articles; (3) The Most Active Researchers and their national origin; (4) the most journals that publish articles. The study's conclusion is that there are many researchers in Indonesia who are examining studies on religious tolerance from various perspectives. Although indeed in the category of affiliation and the most active publishing location there are names that come from Indonesia, it still needs to be improved from the category of the most productive authors.
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