Sunda Wiwitan Baduy Syncretism


  • Yunika Sari UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia


Baduy, Sunda Wiwitan, Syncretism


This study aims to discuss the study of religion and locality in the realm of Sunda Wiwitan syncretism theory in the Baduy community. This research method is qualitative with literature study, by reviewing library sources such as books, articles, and scientific research results about Sunda Wiwitan, with a descriptive analysis approach which will emphasize more on reviews related to the themes that have been determined and then described to explain the history of the origins. Baduy and Sunda Wiwitan and examines the syncretism contained in Sunda Wiwitan theology, and the results are summarized briefly and clearly. The discussion of this research covers the history of the origin of Baduy and syncretiame in Sunda Wiwitan theology. This study concludes that the Sunda Wiwitan belief is a form of syncretism, namely a mixture of Islamic and Hindu values, so that it eventually becomes a belief held by the Baduy community in Kanekes Village, Banten. Although Sunda Wiwitan has a belief in spirits, gods. However, Sunda Wiwitan also has a monotheistic belief, namely belief in Allah, which is evidenced by the creed of the Inner Baduy and Outer Baduy as well as their belief in the Prophet Muhammad and the creation of the Prophet Adam. In addition, the Sunda Wiwitan religion also has absolute guidelines or views of life called Pikikuh and Buyut which contain taboos or prohibitions that need to be obeyed and practiced in the daily life of the Baduy community.


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Author Biography

Yunika Sari, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Department of Religious Studies The Faculty of Ushuluddin


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