Historisitas Tradisi Ta’wil Al-Qur’an Ahl As-Sunnah: Analisis Bibliometrik pada Databese Dimensions
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The tradition of interpreting the Qur'an is not developing as rapidly as the tradition of interpretation. it could be that this happened because the study of the study of the Koran did not get enough attention, even though the history of the interpretation of the Koran was very developed. For this reason, this article will discuss the history of interpreting the Qur'an in depth. The framework for the study of this article is a history of thought or idea. Using the framework of this study, the author of this article finds several conclusions; as a method of interpretation, classical Islamic discourse which has developed a lot of ta'wil as a tool of interpretation and theory in understanding the text of the Qur'an. The journey of thought about ta'wil Al-Qur'an in the tradition of Ahl As-Sunnah shows the development of the diversity of thought and knowledge used in interpreting the Qur'an. Ibn Qutaybah in his Takwil Musykil Al-Qura`an used linguistic analysis, gave birth to linguistic takwil (at-takwil al-lughowi), al-Ghazali wrote Qanun at-ta`wil which is a work of interpreting the Qur'an which is characterized by theological takwil.
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