Analisis Bibliometrik Kepemimpinan Islam di Indonesia pada Database Dimensions
Bibliometric, Dimensions, LeadershipAbstract
Islamic leadership studies research is still in high demand by professionals and is published in several scholarly forums. This study gathers and examines papers from the years 2013 to 2022 in an effort to describe research on Islamic Leadership. This study uses bibliometric analysis of database dimensions to examine how research on Islamic leadership is categorized, how publications have developed over time, which researchers have been productive, and where those publications have appeared. Five steps of the study's execution included selecting keywords, data searching, article selection, data validation, and data analysis. The findings of the survey demonstrate that many professionals are still researching and studying Islamic leadership. Islamic leadership is mostly researched in the areas of philosophy and religious studies, according to research. Every year, there are more studies published on Islamic trends, with the most studies coming out in 2020. With a total of 10 publications, Ratih Hurriyati, a professor at the Indonesian University of Education, stands out among the many researchers studying Islamic leadership as the most productive. The Journal of Islamic Economics and Business lists venues for publishing research on the Islamic world.
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