Takhrij and Syarah Hadith of Chemistry: The Prohibition of gold rings for men

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Tanti Nurani
Hofifah Astuti
Naan Naan
Ilim Abdul Halim
Adi Mulyana Supriatna


This purpose of this research is to discuss  the hadith of the Prophet Saw. about the prohibition of gold rings for  men. This research method is a qualitative type through the approach of takhrij and syarah hadith with chemical analysis. The results and discussion of this research were the dangers  of overuse of gold rings for men in terms of  health. The conclusion of this research is takhrij and syarah hadith of the Prophet Saw. about prohibition of gold rings for men because it has a harmful effect on health.


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Author Biographies

Tanti Nurani, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology

Hofifah Astuti, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Department of Hadith Science, Faculty of Usuluddin

Naan Naan, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Faculty of Usuluddin

Ilim Abdul Halim, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Faculty of Usuluddin

Adi Mulyana Supriatna, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology


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