Al-Qur’an sebagai Sumber Ilmu Pengetahuan

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Silfi Nurmalia Latifah
Cecep Anwar


Al-Qur’an is the holy book that contains all thing that human need, including in the term of science. However, as a science base, al-Qur’an often understood only as a absolutely dogma. The purpose of this research is to present about: 1) the position of al-Qur’an in the human life; 2) the position of science in Islam; and 3) how to learn the Qur’an as a science base capacity. This research is the library research which is including in quantitave research. The result of this research showed that al-Qur’an is the holy book that be a guide for the human to face the problem of life. Al-qur’an also explain the important position of science as a main medium to face the crisis and create a good life. To achieve it, a certain method is needed to understanding the clues and the value of science in the Qur’an. What needs to avoided is using the doctrinal-dogmatis method to understanding the clues of science in the Qur’an, because the field of science is a difference domain with the field of faith.


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Author Biographies

Silfi Nurmalia Latifah, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Jurusan Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Program Pascasarjana

Cecep Anwar, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Jurusan Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Program Pascasarjana


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