Classification of Heart Disease Diagnosis using the Random Forest Algorithm

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Akbar Hidayatullah Harahap
Ihsan Muttaqin Bin Abdul Malik
Muhammad Irfan Nur Imam
Muhammad Thariq Sabiq Bilhaq
Aisyah Amini Nur
Siti Lufia Dwi Agustini


The heart is an important part of the human body organs. But it does not rule out this heart problem and causes several symptoms, causing deadly heart disease. Therefore, many studies are used to obtain fast, precise and accurate heart disease diagnosis data. One of them is the classification of heart disease diagnoses using the Random Forest algorithm. This random forest algorithm method uses several unified decision trees. So that accurate results can be obtained regarding the diagnosis of this heart disease. The accuracy obtained from the experimental results using the Python programming language is 85.3%.


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