Preferansi Lalat di Kawasan Urban terhadap Beberapa Jenis Umpan dalam Perangkap Elektrik
Chrysomya sp, fish, Musca sp, pestsAbstract
Flies are one of the pests in urban areas that caused problems for humans. Losses caused by the presence of flies including the reduction of aesthetic value, contaminating food, and causing several diseases in humans as flies can be the carrier. Installation of traps with bait in the form of attractants is one way of controlling flies often carried out in the community. This study aimed to determine the preferences of flies in urban areas to several types of attractants and to determine the diversity of fly species found in urban areas. The research was carried out in the canteen of the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, and Jatinangor Market. The YEDOO brand electric fly trap; protein flour derived from several types of fish, including grouper fish, tuna fish, milkfish, and mackerel; protein from fruits, including Arumanis mango, Kweni mango, and Irwin mango; as well as honey were compared based on the flies preference. The results showed that the honey attractant attracted the most flies in the canteen and market by 10 and 188 respectively (P>0.05). The fly species caught in both urban locations were Musca sp. and Chrysomya spp.
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