Implementation of K-Means Clustering in Online Retail based on Recency, Frequency, and Monetary

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Karima Marwazia Shaliha
Angelyna Angelyna
Arham Aulia Nugraha
Muhammad Humam Wahisyam
Tri Kurnia Sandi


During a pandemic like today, many changes have occurred, one of which is the increasing number of online buying and selling sites. Each Online Store offers a variety of products and services with a variety of attractive offers, competing fiercely to attract enthusiasts. With the occurrence of a pattern of change in society, it is necessary to carry out a grouping to obtain information in order to determine a better sales strategy. The grouping process uses techniques from data mining, namely Clustering with the K-Means algorithm based on the Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) algorithm, it is hoped that by analyzing the three attributes and implementing the K-Means algorithm, it can provide an accurate output and in accordance with the objectives of this study.


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